

Therefore, it is not the individual that is neutral, but his work when it becomes representative of the universal; and when the subjected represented follows the synthetic timespace iconography of a totality that uses forms of past and future fossilizations on shapeless matter, on limited surfaces or on circumscribed forms, which reveal signs of known or mysterious intelligences. Read More



Therefore, it is not the individual that is neutral, but his work when it becomes representative of the universal; and when the subjected represented follows the synthetic timespace iconography of a totality that uses forms of past and future fossilizations on shapeless matter, on limited surfaces or on circumscribed forms, which reveal signs of known or mysterious intelligences. Read More



Neutralista non è dunque l’individuo, ma la sua opera, quando diventa rappresentativa dell’universalità; e il cui soggetto di rappresentazione attiene all’iconografia sintetica spaziotemporale della totalità, che utilizza forme di fossilizzazioni del passato e del futuro sulle materie informi, in superfici limitate o in forme circoscritte, dove s’intravedono interventi di intelligenze conosciute o misteriose. Read More